SLII ExperienceTM


Location and timing

Monday September 18th 2023 | 8.45 AM – 5.15 PM

Tuesday September 19th 2023 | 8.45 AM – 5.15 PM

Hôtel Warwick, Rue de Lausanne 14, 1201 Geneva


You are ?

Self-employed or without any revenue/activity: 990.00 CHF*
Employed by an organization of less than 50 people: 1490.00 CHF*
Employed by an organization of more than 50 people: 1990.00 CHF*

* VAT non applicable (training)



Billing informations

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


Workshop details

Location of the workshop :

Hôtel Warwick

Rue de Lausanne 14
1201 Geneva

1. Online ‘Launch’ module to complete before the first day of the workshop (≈1h).

2. In-Person ‘Learn’ and ‘Practice’ modules (two days).

3.Online ‘Master’ module available after the workshop.

4.Pricing include:
.  All supporting materials
.  Two days in-person workshop (including room rental)
.  Access to Blanchard® web-platform (‘Launch’ and ‘Master’ modules)
.  Non-alcoholic drinks and food during the entire two days (morning break, lunch, afternoon break, refreshments in the room during the day)

5. Pricing does NOT include:
· Transport cost from and to the location
· Parking fees (when applicable)
· Special food and drinks (i.e those not included in ‘standard’ menu). 

We urge you to communicate, no later than 2 weeks prior the event, any dietary requirements you might have. We will do our best to accommodate. 

The room is accessible to people with reduced mobility and/or disabilities.

Terms & Conditions

1.By registering to the workshop you accept below conditions and acknowledge that your registration is considered firm and conclusive

2. Participants are requested to follow any sanitary and/or safety requirements.

3. In case of force majeure and with appropriate justification (doctor or employer for example), you will have the possibility to transfer your registration to a third party.

4. Discounts are available for group of more than 3 people from the same organization and for NGOs. In such a case please contact us by phone or email.

5. Upon registration, Augeo Business Coaching will send you an invoice to the contacts you would have provided when registering.

6. Payment conditions are 30 calendar days from invoice receipt, and in all cases the invoice must be cleared prior to the first day of the workshop.

7. In case of late payment, reminder fees and an annual interest of 5% will be applied

8.According to Swiss Law and due to the nature of the service provided (training) VAT is not applicable

9. In case of force majeure and/or insufficient number of participants Augeo Business Coaching reserves the right to cancel the workshop. In this instance all participants will be reimbursed within 2 weeks from the notification of cancellation.